BEEF Aubrey Allen
A professional outfit with excellent meat, but it’s their beef that is of particular interest. Firm and bright white fat, deep marbling and sufficient aging combine to give a high grade beef. The whole fillets are of particular note.
PORK Britwell Salome Farm Shop
The lay of the land, natural feed, champion cross breed and quality growing conditions make for extremely tasty pork.
LAMB Rhug Estate
Home to first class lamb. A particular highlight when in season is the salt marsh lamb which – once fattened on march samphire and sea lavender – is close to being one of the finest ingredients available from the UK, and it comes with it’s own unique price to boot.
CHICKEN Sheepdrove Organic Farm
Firm dry skin over a deeply flavoured and well-textured flesh – chicken as it should be. The only comparable offering I’ve tasted is the famous Bresse Chicken and you’ll have to travel to… well… Bresse for one of them!
FISH New Wave Seafood
A friendly bunch supplying a wide range of top grade fish in perfect condition. It’s been a struggle to find a reliable fish supplier but they are it.
LUXURY INGREDIENTS Princess d’Isenbourg
Purveyors of the finest goods, they are the source of our Foie Gras, caviar, truffles and saffron.
Any foodie who loves the earthiness of Spain’s best bits will know about Brindisa. They have been doing it for a while and have their finger on a remarkable range of top Spanish producers.
SMOKED PRODUCTS Brown and Forrest
Attention to detail here is required and experience counts when refining an already rather refined product. Their duck breast is delicious in salads and the eel is to die for.
When an offer came to visit them in Valencia, it seemed rude to say no – especially since their ground cumin and paprika is second to none. We have also worked closely with Pilarica to create our own personal spice blends for the Valencian fire spice prawns.
MILK AND DAIRY Laceys Family Farm
Conveniently located half a mile down the road, their milk is produced by their own heard of Jersey Cows and it really shows. The whole milk pours with lumps of butter yellow double cream – great on cornflakes!
Ever reliable and utterly dependable, Mash are true professionals. Based in London’s New Covent Garden Market, they have access to the freshest at its seasonal best.
CHEESE La Cave á Fromage
Premier Cheese is the wholesale arm to the well-respected shops. They work hard to find the most excellent cheese of which a growing percentage is British. Fine Cheese is a fine thing indeed.
PRESERVES Lords Wood Preserves
From a diverse range, we mostly use the rosemary and red-current jelly to finish off our lamb jus. Their honey and chutneys are wonderfully balanced and, when aged a year, have remarkable depth and complexity… rather like a fine wine.
OILS P.E.Mead and Sons
Specialising in cold pressed rapeseed oils, they have a variety of flavours to support their standard natural oil. Great to work with, both for cooking and dressing. The lemon and thyme flavours are of particular note.
BREAD Jungs of Beaconsfield
With 70 years baking in the UK and roots in Germany and Switzerland, Jungs have a strong history of fine artisan breads, from mini burger buns to large 2ft focaccias.
EATING CHOCOLATES Artisan du Chocolat
There are still none better in my book and the liquid salted caramels are something else.
Expensive but worth it. Their flavour and richness really is unique.
COFFEE Monmouth Coffee Company
They’re happy travelling the entire equator, visiting all the best coffee growing regions in the world to bring us back the finest coffee there is. We refresh the beans in an oven before grinding it to order for each event.
TEA Fortnum and Mason
If you’ve not bought tea from them, it’s a great treat and well worth the money.
WINE Goedhuis & Co.
Several suppliers supplement a strong relationship with the well-respected Goedhuis & Co. They really do have great wines.
CHAMPAGNE First Class Products
Tom at First Class has himself a First Class product indeed, with the Cuvee Premiere being our house champagne and a high ratio of Pinot Noir that’s packed with floral fruity aromas.
WHISKEY The Loch Fyne Whiskies
Try calling them directly and having a chat about a possible bottle. The 30 year old Glenfarclas I can highly recommend.
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