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We received 5 stars from the ‘Food Standards Agency’!

We received 5 stars from the 'Food Standards Agency'!

Every year the Food Standards Agency goes about checking and rating the food industry on ‘Food Hygiene Ratings’. We really pride ourselves on our high standards and once again CanapéBox received a 5 star rating!

Here at CanapéBox we are very dedicated to producing high end product but also maintaining a high standard of hygiene and food safety procedures. This means regularly updating our allergen matrix and working closely with our suppliers to ensure they are reputable and meet our high expectations.

We review our HACCP from how we choose our suppliers to product delivery, production and safe delivery to you whilst working on the advice and recommendations of the local Environmental Health Officers.

Our canapé Chefs are very keen to update and maintain their knowledge on current food safety and hygiene procedures including new laws such as “Natasha’s Law’ and continue to work hard to maintain our 5 star rating.

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